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Pediatric neurologist Karen Keough, M.D., specializing in refractory epilepsy in children, was recently featured on KXAN Austin and ABC affiliate KVUE following her recent trip to Kenya for an Ubuntu Life Foundation medical camp. We are incredibly proud that Dr. Keough and her team are getting this much-deserved public recognition.
Dr. Keough (in the light green scrubs) with her volunteer doctors and the Ubuntu Life Foundation medical team
For more than ten years, Dr. Keough and other Pediatrix® Medical Group physicians have worked collaboratively with the Ubuntu Life Foundation to bring care to where it's needed most through the Foundation's HEAL Kenya program. Founded by Pediatrix neurologist Jeff Kane, M.D., HEAL's volunteer clinicians staff quarterly medical clinics. In addition to neurology care, the clinics offer pediatrics, cardiology, hematology, dermatology, and general surgical services.
Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder globally, with children in sub-Saharan Africa comprising the largest group affected. In rural areas of Kenya, like Maai Mahiu, care is challenging, so children often go undiagnosed and untreated. During the recent medical camp, Dr. Keough and her volunteers, including two pediatricians and an electroencephalogram technician, saw more than 300 patients in four days. The majority of the children she treated had epilepsy.
See Dr. Keough on KVUE here and on KXAN here.
Support Ubuntu Life Foundation's health program here.